About us /Board Secretariat

AuSB Current Board Members (8th Term)

The AuSB consists of 7 members comprising a Chairman appointed by the Government of Nepal from Fellow Chartered Accountants(FCA) and other members are representative of Ministry of Finance(MoF), representative of Office of the Auditor General(OAG), Three Chartered Accountants and One Registered Auditor nominated by the Government of Nepal on the recommendation of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal(ICAN).

Name: Mr. Rabindra Rajbhandari, FCA

Designation: Member

Membership: 2024-12-12 - 2027-12-11

Date of Birth: 1968-07-04

Academic Qualification: Master’s Degree in Business Administration (MBA)

Professional Qualification: Chartered Accountancy from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) in May 1998

Professional Experience:

He is a partner at RajMS & Company. He has over 25 years of experience in the field of a wide range of assignments in accounting, auditing & internal control, due diligence, financial monitoring and review, risk management, business advisory, compensation survey, peer review, taxation, and other regulatory compliance.

His experience ranges in providing professional services to both national and multinational clients, as well as bilateral and multilaterally funded projects in Nepal, banking and finance, the manufacturing sector, etc. He also worked as a senior admin and finance expert in Afghanistan.

He has participated in several training programs, such as “USAID/CDC Policies and Procedures and Financial Management of USAID” from Arlington, VA, USA, and “Distribution Manufacturing Financial Management Information System” in Tokyo, Japan. He has also attended training courses on International Accounting Standards organized by ICAN, SAFA, and international professional organizations.


He has facilitated and conducted various workshops for projects and agencies in Nepal. He has served as a committee member in the Accounting Standards Board Nepal and has been a resource person and committee member in the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal

 He can be reached at rabindra@rajms.com
