About us /Board Secretariat

AuSB Current Board Members (8th Term)

The AuSB consists of 7 members comprising a Chairman appointed by the Government of Nepal from Fellow Chartered Accountants(FCA) and other members are representative of Ministry of Finance(MoF), representative of Office of the Auditor General(OAG), Three Chartered Accountants and One Registered Auditor nominated by the Government of Nepal on the recommendation of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal(ICAN).

Name: Mr. Shesh Mani Dahal, FCA

Designation: Member

Membership: 2024-12-12 - 2027-12-11

Date of Birth: 1989-12-10

Academic Qualification: Master's in Business Studies (MBS) and Bachelor in Laws and Legislation (LLB)

Professional Qualification: Fellow Chartered Accountant

Professional Experience:

Mr. Shesh Mani Dahal is a Fellow Chartered Accountant with over nine years of post-qualification experience. He currently serves as a Senior Partner at SDR Associates, Chartered Accountants, a member firm of IR Global, UK. Renowned for his expertise in taxation and corporate laws, he is the author of three acclaimed books: The Purple Book of Tax (seven editions), The Purple Book of Province Tax, and The Purple Handbook of Corporate and Tax Laws. These publications are widely regarded as essential resources for tax professionals, accountants, public and private enterprises, and CA students. Additionally, he has contributed as a resource person for the development of study materials for Chartered Accountancy education in Nepal.

Mr. Dahal has actively participated in numerous international seminars and conferences. His recent engagements include the 2024 Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, D.C., USA, where he contributed to discussions on global fiscal, monetary, and taxation policies, and the ACCA APAC Dialogue 2024 in Vietnam, which focused on transfer pricing, sustainability reporting, digitalization, and the impact of geopolitics on global trade.

He was elected as an Executive Committee Member of the 33rd Executive Committee of the Association of Chartered Accountants of Nepal (ACAN). Mr. Dahal was also a Thesis Supervisor at the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, specializing in international taxation.

He can be reached at sheshmani.dahal@sdr.com.np
